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So I'm sitting here right before my music class and I've got so much to say, so much has happened since my last post.

Still haven't set up my computer, Working five days a week and going to school the other two- taking fairly difficult classes.

Public Speaking

They aren't difficult classes in and of themselves, however the amount of work and preparation for these classes is the difficult part.

Reading countless essays on ancient and contemporary philosophers, analyzing their logic- trying to find faults or strengths and writing essays over those. Good news is on my essay exam, I scored next to perfect on an essay disproving the existence of God based on Paley's the watch and the watchmaker (very, very interesting, I highly recommend reading it if possible).

Aside from school, there have been many things going on in my personal life. Things I won't go into detail about here- but needless to say it's been very hard. I feel the comfort in mundane things, the working everyday, the class and the work. It's really helped me to feel the ground beneath my feet and appreciate it more than I ever have before.

Before I go, I would like everyone to think about all the simple processes in this life that serve to solidify our presence here. Our jobs, our schools, and our families- These are things that I have taken advantage of to a large detriment to myself and I have paid a heavy cost for this.

Be thankful for what you have, even the small things that bore you and make life seemingly unbearable.