
a thought

there are many people who believe that their personal safety is more important than anything else. they are concerned with death and are afraid of when the time comes. it's only natural to feel this way, however one reaches a point in their lives where they have seen enough of both life and death to understand that their really is no difference. at one point, we all must live- after that point we all must die. eventually all of our hard work will be dust, and our memories forgot. all in all, the man who dies at one hundred- has achieved nothing more than the baby who dies at a day old.

however while we are alive, it's my belief that we must have a purpose- a reason if you will. something that drives us. more often than not, as i note above- it's personal safety. i think that this pathetic, simply gross and worse than animal instinct. it's a learned instinct, a paradox.

my purpose, is to protect the ones i love from danger and harm- emotional or physical. those who lack the will to protect anything, often end up getting protected by someone better than themselves.

i often thought that every man is equal, that the indoctrination i received growing up was the truth. it's not. a man who does not care to defend himself or the things he cares about, is less. a vile creature, not deserved to be called a man. he only remains alive at the cost of others around him who are not as base as he.

(this post inspired by john stuart mill and marcus aurelius)


more pictures

its really hard to do justice to these pictures on this blog- as it limits the size (and detail) of the pictures, however if anyone sees one they like, i can send the picture directly to them


things I enjoy doing.

taking pictures
kissing my girlfriend
thinking about politiks
strumming on guitar ( i can read sheet music, but thats it)
thinking about philosophy
acting out hypothetical situations in my head
reading quotes
playing video games
wondering why we are here
spoiling my friends
defending my friends

but most of all
I enjoy loving
every minute
of my life with
i'm with at
whatever time i'm with them. . . .


initial posting

so a little about myself, i'm a 20 something college student double majoring in international relations and journalism- with a minor in middle eastern studies. i currently live in or around nashvegas,tn- and have for the past almost year. i'll be moving before the summer is over to someplace new, which is a theme for my life.

my passions are: music, books, history, political theory, fighting, poetry and prose- anything else i think of will be added- rest assured

this blog will be about many things. whichever comes to mind while i'm sitting in front of this computer screen. posts may be about politics, jobs, music, events that happened to me during a day, something that happened at work, poems i write on a whim- anything, anything at all.

i realize that my grammar isn't pristine, i may use words that seem strange in a certain phrase. rest easy knowing that i'm aware (usually) of these mistakes and like the holes in brand name designer jeans, are completely deliberate.